Registration of a citizen of Ukraine for work in Kazakhstan

Registration for work of foreign citizens depends on several details. We were approached by foreign citizens for advice. The spouse of a foreign specialist is a citizen of Russia. There was a misconception that it was enough to obtain a Temporary Residence Permit to work in Kazakhstan. The Temporary Residence Permit in a simplified procedure is issued only for EEU countries without obtaining a work permit. For foreign specialists from other CIS countries a work permit is required. For a citizen of Ukraine there are several procedures for registration: standard, by exception, by intra-corporate transfer, etc. It was decided to obtain a work permit for a citizen of Ukraine.

Registration of a citizen of Ukraine for work in Kazakhstan

Step 1: Obtaining a work permit in Kazakhstan for a citizen of Ukraine

Obtaining a work permit for foreign citizens, in particular for a citizen of Ukraine is possible if you meet the following requirements:

  • Qualification of a foreign specialist corresponds to the position held and the type of activity of the company. Qualification is confirmed by a diploma of higher education and proof of work experience.
  • The presence of a quota in the region.
  • Payment of state duty. The amount depends on the type of activity of the company and the position of the foreign specialist. In our case, for the permit in 2023 was paid 617 750 tg. The position of a foreign specialist – English teacher.

The procedure for obtaining a work permit for a citizen of Ukraine took 20 days from the date of registration of the application. What stages were passed:

  1. Analysis of the foreign specialist’s documents and selection of a position according to the Qualification Directory.
  2. Preparation of personal documents, employer’s documents, filling in forms.
  3. Registration of the application.
  4. Conducting the commission.
  5. Approval and issuance of a notice with the commission’s decision.
  6. Payment of the state fee.
  7. Issuance of a work permit for a citizen of Ukraine.

Step 2: Obtaining a C3 work visa for a Ukrainian citizen

The next stage is to obtain a work visa of category C3. C3 work visa is issued for the period of validity of the work permit. In our case, the company-employer of a foreign specialist in Kazakhstan acted as the inviting party in the process of visa issuance. The task was to issue a work visa on the basis of a permit to attract foreign labor force issued by the local executive body. In order for a citizen of Ukraine to obtain a multiple entry C3 visa it is necessary to pass 2 stages:

Step 2.1. Issuance of the invitation letter and obtaining a visa support number.

List of required documents: copy of the foreign employee’s passport, place of residence abroad, certificate of registration of the inviting organization (in our case, notification of the start of individual entrepreneurship), data of the signatory and other details.

Timeline: the process takes an average of 5-7 working days from the date of registration of the invitation letter. An additional 3-5 working days is taken for preparation and collection of documents. Much will depend on the speed of submission of the required documents. In rare cases, the National Security Committee may extend the approval up to 30 calendar days.

In our case, the visa support number was ready on the 5th working day after the letter was registered. All this time the foreign citizen was in Ukraine, his presence at this stage was not required.

Costs: 0.5 MCI (Monthly Calculation Index) per invitation letter.

Step 2.2. Applying for a visa at the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Ukraine. After receiving the invitation letter with the visa support number, the foreign citizen immediately applied to the Embassy for a work visa. What documents were required at this stage?

  • original and copy of passport;
  • photo 3,5*4,5 cm.;
  • completed visa application form;
  • consular fee payment;
  • invitation letter with visa support number;
  • permission to hire foreign labor force, etc.

Passport with visa is issued personally to the applicant.

Timing: visa stamping usually takes up to 3-5 working days from the date of application by the applicant.

Risk areas: the Embassy may request additional documents.

Stage 3: Entry into Kazakhstan

Obligations after obtaining a work permit for a citizen of Ukraine.

Both the employer and the foreign specialist have certain obligations after obtaining a work permit and work visa. Below we send you the protocol of actions after obtaining a work permit and work visa:

  1. Upon arrival in Kazakhstan, the employer must submit a notification of entry within 3 working days to the migration services. The notification can be submitted online. Also, the notification must be submitted when changing the address of permanent residence within the city, or in case of business trips.
  2. Issuance of IIN (Individual Identification Number). This document is required for opening a bank account, payroll, etc.
  3. Filing monthly reports on foreign labor force.
  4. Submission of an annual quota request.

Can a citizen of Ukraine open a company on the basis of a work visa?

No, work permit and work visa give the right to work. To open a company, foreign specialists and citizens of Ukraine need to apply for a C5 business immigrant visa. An alternative option is to obtain a residence permit.

How long can a citizen of Ukraine stay in Kazakhstan under the visa-free regime?

According to the requirements of the legislation, citizens of Ukraine can stay in Kazakhstan for a total of not more than 90 days within a 180-day period. There are no restrictions for one entry, you can stay all 90 days.

What other options are there for processing documents for work in Kazakhstan?

There are several options for foreign specialists from Ukraine to obtain documents in Kazakhstan:

  1. Obtaining a work permit in the standard mode as described above.
  2. Obtaining a work visa by exception.
  3. Obtaining a C5 visa for business immigrants.
  4. Obtaining a residence permit.
  5. Obtaining A5 investor visa.
  6. Obtaining a C2 visa for family reunification.
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