Comparative table of temporary residence permit (TRP) and residence permit for citizens of the Russian Federation, EAEU and other visa-free countries

In recent years, Kazakhstan has received many immigrants from EAEU countries, particularly Russia. Foreign specialists have questions. One of the most frequent ones is: what is better to obtain for a legal stay in Kazakhstan, a temporary residence permit (TRP) or a residence permit?

Differences between TRP and residence permit

Each procedure has its advantages and disadvantages. A temporary residence permit is easier to obtain. The procedure takes 3 working days from the date of submission of documents. The list of documents to collect is not complicated, the questions arise on the employment contract and consent from the property owner. Other moments are technical and are solved quickly.

Comparative table of temporary residence permit (TRP) and residence permit for citizens of the Russian Federation, EAEU and other visa-free countries

If a foreign specialist had no offenses on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the probability of obtaining a residence permit is 100%. There are refusals, but as a rule because of technical defects and improper execution of documents. At the same time, the package of documents can be corrected and the application can be registered again.

The procedure for residence permit is more complicated. The process takes 2.5-3 months. If rejected, you can reapply for a residence permit only after 12 calendar months. Some criteria increase the chances of obtaining a residence permit, and some criteria reduce the probability of a positive response. If we see the risks, we do not take on the residence permit process. But we give recommendations if you comply with which it is possible to obtain a residence permit after some time. At the same time, the percentage of refusals for residence permits is much higher than for the TRP.

When issuing a refusal, they usually refer to paragraph 2 of Article 14 of the Law “On Migration”: the national security authorities have the right not to explain the reason that served as a basis for refusal to approve immigrants to enter the Republic of Kazakhstan and certain areas (territories) closed to foreigners; foreigners and stateless persons – permanent residence permit in the Republic of Kazakhstan, application for admission to citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

According to the list of documents, to obtain a residence permit in Kazakhstan, a certificate of criminal record issued in the country of citizenship or by the embassy will be required. The rest of the list of documents is collected on the territory of Kazakhstan. The main questions arise on the real estate lease agreement and a certificate from the bank on the availability of the necessary amount. Even if you provide a full package of documents, there is always a possibility of refusal.

TRP is usually issued for 1 year with the right to prolongation without restrictions. A residence permit is issued for up to 10 years or the validity period of a passport if it is less than 10 years.

Below in the table, we have made a comparative analysis after obtaining a temporary residence permit (TRP) and residence permit for foreign citizens. If you have any comments, please write to us by e-mail ( or on WhatsApp | Telegram mobile number +7 705 5 320 320 320. We will be glad to supplement the article for the convenience of people who have not yet chosen between a TRP and a residence permit.

Comparative table

Rights and obligations TRP (temporary residence permit) Residence permit
Purchase of a CAR NO POSSIBLE
Opening a business in the form of an LLP POSSIBLE, with business-immigrant status POSSIBLE
Opening a business in the form of a sole proprietorship NO POSSIBLE
Applying for visas through embassies of other countries in Kazakhstan Possible in some countries POSSIBLE
Utilization of the banking system -there is a possibility to create bank accounts, deposits.

-there are limits on money transfers within applications. As a rule, the limit is less than for holders of residence permit

– loans are issued depending on the bank

– use the banking system de jure on an equal footing with citizens, de facto interaction with banks in terms of lending is limited

– loans are issued on an equal basis with citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Possibility of legalization of family members Receive an Accompanied Temporary Residence Permit They receive a residence permit by reunification. Marriage must be at least 1 year.
Obtaining citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan NO POSSIBLE
Obtaining a number of state online services using the Digital ID service NO POSSIBLE
Related to crossing the state border and the period of legal stay NO RESRICTIONS There is a requirement to stay in the RoK for at least 183 days
Traffic related has the right to travel by car for up to 11 months. Then it is necessary to leave the country for 30 days. It is not possible to re-register the car in the Republic of Kazakhstan. – is deprived of the right to drive a car with foreign license plates, just like a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Must register the car in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Pay the scrappage fee.

– After obtaining a residence permit, it is necessary to replace the driver’s license within 60 calendar days. Has the possibility to re-register the car in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Responsibilities related to internal migration Notification filing is required Exempted from filing notifications
Responsibilities related to the renewal of authorizations TRP is issued for one year and renewed annually. The residence permit is issued for 10 years and is renewable for the same period.
Reporting in the country of citizenship (Russian Federation as an example)






no notification obligation when entering the Russian Federation, a person is obliged to notify the internal affairs authorities within 30 days both of the existence of a residence permit and of the fact that the previously issued residence permit has been lost for any reason. It is possible to do this proactively through the Russian consulate without waiting to enter the Russian Federation.


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