Obtaining a B20 visa under force majeure circumstances in Kazakhstan

Foreign citizens faced with force majeure circumstances can obtain a B20 visa under force majeure in Kazakhstan.

What are force majeure circumstances?

Delay or cancellation of a flight, departure of the train or other means of transport. Also, such situations include events that occur as a result of emergency and unpreventable circumstances (natural phenomena, military operations and other similar events) in accordance with subparagraph 19, paragraph 1, chapter 1 of the Rule.

Obtaining a B20 visa under force majeure circumstances in Kazakhstan

What package of documents do you need to collect for this?

To obtain a visa under force majeure category B20 in Kazakhstan, it is required to provide confirmation of the case that prevents you from leaving the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

For example, a foreign citizen suffered a fracture or other body injuries. In addition, foreigner was admitted to the hospital, prescribed bed rest, and he/she will not be able to leave until the visa-free regime expires. In this case, it is necessary to provide a certificate from the hospital with details about his condition. Additionally, a standard package for a visa is provided: original passport, photo 3.5*4.5 size, visa application form, application, state payment duty 0.5 MCI (1725 tenge in 2023).

Can I submit electronically?

The B20 visa is not a visa that can be obtained electronically. Consequently, the entire package of documents is submitted on purpose to the territorial authorities of the Migration Service. More detailed information about electronic visas can be found at the link: https://dos-immigration.kz/services/evisa-v-kazahstan/ 

What’s the cost?

As we mentioned above, the amount of state duty is 0.5 MCI. Additionally, it is necessary to take into account the services of law firms if you are applying for a visa through one of them.

How long does it take to apply and for what period is a visa issued?

In practice, on average it takes 3-5 working days. The visa is issued for a single entry, valid for up to 15 days; you can stay in Kazakhstan until the expiration date. 

Can you describe a step-by-step action plan?

Collect a package of documents and submit it to the Migration Service, taking into account the planned departure date. Since the visa will be valid for 15 days from the date of submission of documents. 

Let’s try to explain in more detail using the example of a foreign citizen who broke his leg. He arrived in Kazakhstan on December 1 and was supposed to leave before December 30, however, due to the current situation, he is forced to stay in Kazakhstan until January 20 and has already purchased air tickets. In this case, documents should be submitted no earlier than January 6. Thus, at the time of departure from Kazakhstan, on January 20, he will have a B20 visa.

I received a B20 visa. Can I reapply for a work visa without leaving Kazakhstan?

According to the Rules, re-sticking a B20 visa to another category is not provided. Therefore, if there is a need to obtain a work visa, a foreign citizen can leave the country on a B20 visa. Thus, the next time he enters, he will take advantage of the visa-free regime, if provided. If a visa-free regime is not provided, then the foreigner must obtain a work visa in the country of citizenship, then fly to Kazakhstan. 

I have a B20 visa. If I leave and come back before the end of its term, is my entry considered to be on this visa?

No, upon leaving the country the visa is canceled, since it is a single-entry visa and can only be used for one border crossing. Therefore, if you come to Kazakhstan, then you are already using the visa-free regime. 

More details about work visas can be found here: https://dos-immigration.kz/uncategorized/vse-o-rabochaey-viza-kategorii-c3/

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