COVID vaccination: what foreigners can expect in Kazakhstan

We would like to inform you that the mass vaccination of the population against COVID-19 began in April.

To facilitate the search for information, we have prepared a short memo on immunization.

Recommended vaccination:

  • if you were ill with COVID-19 6-7 months ago;
  • if you are at risk of infection with CAVID-19 and due to new strains of the virus, the course of the disease can take place with complications, including exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • if you have no contraindications (pregnancy, breastfeeding, age restrictions) or for health reasons; *if you have been ill with COVID-19 recently or have had a cold/other ailments, it is recommended that you consult a therapist and agree on a vaccination schedule with your doctor. ** Foreign citizens can be vaccinated in Kazakhstan, if you need to additionally request a certificate with vaccination data, dates, and other important information (if there is an IIN, an electronic vaccination passport will be generated after 2 vaccinations).

I Registration process:

  • At the moment, they are vaccinated only with the Russian drug – Sputnik V.
  • Everyone can be vaccinated, but preliminary registration with Egov or with the attending physician is required and be attached to a specific place in the clinic (even if you are registered in another city, you can also get vaccinated in the host city);
  • You can also get vaccinated in shopping malls, private medical centers, etc. upon request / availability of vaccine (if vaccine is available).

1) To register, you need to log in to Egov, select the town and the nearest place of vaccination (indicated by the list).

2) After processing the request, you will receive an SMS notification that you are invited for vaccination.

II Vaccination process:

  • You fill out a questionnaire with personal data and health status;
  • You are being examined by a doctor;
  • Go to the vaccination and wait 30 minutes for the absence of side effects (allergic reaction, etc.)

In addition, you can find information about the vaccine, the vaccination process, vaccination locations and current news here:

  • Vaccination against coronavirus infection
  • The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Instagram page of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan –
  • Community of doctors and scientists talking about vaccination (vaccine, features, vaccine availability points and vaccination process) – @medsupportkz
  • Publication of reports on well-being and test results after vaccination against COVID-19
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