Registration of temporary residence permit for the purpose of family reunification in the Republic of Kazakhstan for citizens of the Kyrgyzstan

Registration of temporary residence permit for the purpose of family reunification in the Republic of Kazakhstan for citizens of the Kyrgyzstan

The process of obtaining a temporary residence permit in the Republic of Kazakhstan for Kyrgyz citizens is an important topic in the context of migration policy of the two countries.

A citizen of Kyrgyzstan contacted us to obtain a residence permit for family reunification.

Steps and requirements:

  1. Legal framework: Registration of temporary residence permit for family reunification for Kyrgyz citizens in Kazakhstan is carried out in accordance with the legislation of both countries. In the Republic of Kazakhstan it is regulated by the laws on migration.
  2. Requirements for applicants: In order to apply for a residence permit a foreign citizen must have grounds. The basis for obtaining a residence permit in this case is her relationship with a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan or a holder of a residence permit. In our case, the spouse has a residence permit.
  3. Application process: The procedure for applying for a temporary residence permit in Kazakhstan may vary depending on the specific circumstances, but usually includes submitting the required documents, filling in the application form and obtaining a temporary residence permit.
  4. Terms and conditions for obtaining the permit: After submitting the application, the applicant can obtain a temporary residence permit within 2 working days. Usually the validity period of such a permit is 1 year (but not longer than the spouse’s residence permit and not longer than the period specified in the consent).

Obtaining a temporary residence permit (TRP) in the Republic of Kazakhstan for foreign citizens, including Kyrgyz citizens, goes through several steps. Here are the general steps of this process:

Step 1 – Preparation of documents

The applicant must collect the necessary documents in accordance with the requirements of the migration legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

List of documents for obtaining a residence permit for a citizen of Kyrgyzstan on family reunification:

  1. Foreign citizen’s passport
  2. ID card of a citizen of Kyrgyzstan
  3. Letter from the holder of the residence permit to issue a temporary residence permit to the spouse
  4. Original residence permit of the spouse
  5. Original passport of the spouse (holder of residence permit)
  6. Dactyloscopy certificate – original
  7. Application-questionnaire (in some Public Service Centers they fill in online on the spot)
  8. Notarised power of attorney from the holder of the residence permit for the applicant
  9. ID card of the applicant (the person who submits the documents)
  10. Marriage certificate – original. Depending on where the marriage was concluded, you may need an apostille/legalisation and notarised translation of the document (To find out more details you can contact our consultants).
  11. Notarised consent from the landlord.
  12. Notification of the foreigner’s arrival

Step 2 – Submission of the application

The application for a residence permit on family reunification is submitted to the Public Service Center at the place of stay of the foreigner. We would like to inform you that the Public Service Center accepts the documents, and further the documents are considered by the Migration authorities.

Step 3 – Consideration of the application

Once the application has been submitted, the competent authority starts the application review process. As part of this process, document checks may be carried out, as well as checking whether the applicant fulfils the conditions for obtaining a temporary residence permit.

Step 4 – Issuance of a temporary residence permit

If the application meets all requirements, the migration authorities issue the applicant a temporary residence permit in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Each of these stages has its own deadlines and requirements that must be met in order to successfully obtain a temporary residence permit in the Republic of Kazakhstan (For more information, please contact our consultants).

There are no state duties and fees for the registration of a temporary residence permit.

Conclusion: Obtaining a temporary residence permit for family reunification for Kyrgyz citizens in the Republic of Kazakhstan is an important and responsible process that requires compliance with certain rules and procedures. Correct fulfilment of all stages of this procedure will allow Kyrgyz citizens to reside legally in Kazakhstan, thus contributing to the development of migration relations between the two countries.

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